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VRU Orange Hand Logo Image
VRU Orange Hand Logo Image

Juno Women's Aid and Nottinghamshire Women's Aid are co-delivering a programme of Trauma Informed Prevention that works with children and young people aged 5-17 years who have been affected by witnessing violence and abuse to their non-abusing parent with the use of a knife.

Juno Women's Aid Logo - Safety, Support, Strength
Nottinghamshire Womens Aid Logo - Survive & Thrive

Juno will deliver the prevention in Nottingham City and South Nottinghamshire and Nottinghamshire Women's Aid will deliver in North Nottinghamshire.


The programme utilises one to one and group work, with the main aim being to reduce the trauma that the children and young people taking part have experienced as a result of witnessing violence and abuse to their non-abusing parent with the use of a knife.


  • To reduce trauma that children and young people have experienced

  • To prevent the future use of knives and to recognise that there are other ways of dealing with and expressing feelings

  • To enable children and young people to explore their understanding of a healthy relationship

  • To help children and young people manage their experience of exposure to the abuse and to give clear messages that violence and abuse (particularly knife crime) is unhelpful


The time frame of the intervention will vary for each child or young person, but is anticipated they would spend between four and 12 weeks in the programme. It is open to any child young people in Nottingham/shire who aged is between five and 17 years old (at least school year one, and has a memory of the abuse within the home.


Referrals are initially made via the Domestic Abuse Referral Team (DART). The DART accepts referrals from the Police where a DVA incident has occurred in the home with children in the house the evening before, to enable the DART to alert the school. Other suitable referral pathways are being established, as appropriate, to ensure the optimum number of children and young people are able to benefit from the programme. Where the child or young person is still living with the perpetrator, an additional risk assessment is carried out, to ensure that this service is appropriate for the individual.

Case Studies:

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